Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dreams About Crashing Cars


The train maps are laid out like the veins in the arm of golem
Dope sick, webbed feet
Shaking like a fish on a wood floor
Sizzling like bacon
Dancing like a seizure with girls who hide their fangs so well you'd call them pure as the snow that tries to ride the wind back up to heaven.
My God has no beard.
Lets get high and hide under the covers and drink tequila from coffee mugs
and kiss without a thought of all the lies that have poured out of the lips that we smash together.
Lately I've been dreaming about crashing cars.
I need to settle my system.

being in a car with fat people.
Ryan's breast in perched on my shoulder like a parrot, but I aint no pirate and I want this behemoth off me. It's warm, but not the comforting warmth a straight jacket gives a maniac. Fleshy, Flabby and moist like a swamp. My arm in penned behind Dave, its going numb. Someone jokes about how uncomfortable I look, they all laugh, but I don't find this shit funny. At least if our car crashes, their bodies will serve as cushion. I hope this car crashes.