I'm sorry. Sometimes.
.... Sometimes I think, I get so close to blowing up. Close to exploding. In flames preferably. In a messy way. A way people would talk about for months. ‘Man, do you remember when Adam exploded? That was epic.’
This isnt anything.
I'll post something real tomorrow and by tomorrow I mean, this week.
I wrote this pretty drunk in a bar on my Bday last week.
In a bar for the first. Drinking dark liquor at 4 pm. Irresponsible but legal. Legality makes everything sit better.
I'm a law breaker
a risk taker
a booty shaker, salt shaker
I know a kid who eats salt and drinks soy sauce. I bet that tastes bad. And if it doesnt get you you drunk whats the point of drinking nasty thing.
Like prune juice, or milk of magnesia.
It's my birthday.
The bartenders name is George. And he doesn't care about my birthday.
Facebook taunt me with your pictures.
The juke box has Modest Mouse. I'll play 'Ocean Breathes Salty'
I hope I'm funny tonight.