This blog means too much to me, to kill without an explanation. So here goes one, without even trying. I'm over a lot of this stuff I've written, it all seems short sighted and naive. This blog has been a intense source of pride and embarrassment for me. I'm proud of every word but I hate them. Imagine how Macaulay Culkin dad must feel about his son, that's probably the way I feel about this place, this plain black background, odd blue border it all seems like a place I no longer want to be. I'm over it. So with this one last final entry, I'll write about something I'm not quite over yet.No courier font, no bullshit. Enjoy.
This summer I lost my grandmother and my best friend. She was 73 and he was 21. I cried more for my grandmother but I think about Jordan more. I didn’t like the fact that memories of someone I’d known for less than 5 years could trump the memory of my own flesh and blood. I felt guilty, like I was a traitor to her legacy. My Grandmother was the beautiful woman who had given birth to my mother, she had been there for literally all my life with love and a telepathic understanding. Her birthday was 2 days before mine and not to get on a weird astrological trip, but we were both Libras and shared this intense dual nature. Prone to fits of passion and rage, we were shipmates on the U.S.S Bi-polar. And Jordan, my best friend, was a border line sociopath and drug abuser, and not always in a charming way. He was the type of guy who lived on his own accord and had this completely bizarre way of sculpting reality to fit his ideas. He was a megalomaniac and had enough vices to make a Las Vegas priest barf in confessional. If my Grandmother was Bjork then Jordan was 80s hair metal.
It’s easy to romanticize death, but there is nothing poetic about how their hearts stopped. Grams died first, on a morning in July. She had stopped living long before that. Jordan died August 26th in his car outside of his girlfriends house. She had been fighting cancer and dementia and he’d been fighting the future. Time took her and drugs got him. She was probably dreaming, and who’s to say what his final thoughts were. When I heard about Grams I was drunk at my girlfriend’s house, my dad called to tell me and after we hung up I had a cigarette in the bathtub. I thought about her mole, so perfectly place on her right cheek, it would have made Marilyn Monroe and all those ugly girls with piercing jealous. I remember tearing up but not crying, I remember wanting to talk to her but not wanting to be sober, I remember thanking God and wanting to drink myself to sleep. Me and my girlfriend talked about it but not for long, She said that I should call my mom but I told her there would be plenty of words between us later. When Jordan went, I found out through a facebook message, sign of the times I guess. It was kind of like an earthquake, one of those moments when you have an out of body experience. I called a few people and they all confirmed it, Jordan Richardson had died and month after my grandmother and a day before I had to move in to my new apartment. I couldn’t sleep that night and my parents don’t keep booze in the house, besides the absinthe I got my dad for father’s day but that hardly seemed appropriate. So I stood up until 4 A.M and tried to write and looked at facebook pictures and listened to sad songs, I played that one Nickel Back song about looking at photographs and started to tear up. I was crying listening to Nickel Back and could almost hear Jordan and my Grandmother laughing at me.
I’d last seen Jordan in the Mulberry Mountain of Arkansas. It was June and I was working a pretty good job in a gift shop at the number one tourist Attraction in Chicago, Navy Pier. The Pier sees something like 3 million people a week. An overwhelming number of which are tourists. Strangers from all around the world swarm the Pier every day. French bikers and German film makers and Japanese rock stars. All yammering, and yelling and laughing and walking too fast or way too slow. 3 million people all spending vomit inducing amounts of money on food and souvenirs. If Chicago is a 19 year old girl, Navy Pier is the Friday and Saturday nights she works at Pole Cats to pay the bills. For those of you lucky enough to not know what navy pier is, imagine the worst mall you’ve ever been too, and then put it by a lake. A throw in the world’s jankiest Ferris wheel and random dudes dressed as pirates giving fat Texans boat tours. There is a ball room and garden, and in the first week I worked there I’ve seen three proms take place. Navy Pier solidifies that originality died in the 1990s along with Kurt Cobain and the Real Michael Jackson. But despite the cheese ball work setting all in all it was a good and I really liked it there, and what is most important is that it made my parents and Grams happy, and happy parentals are less naggy parentals. Plus it gave me the extra money I needed to live comfortably but far from lavishly. It was a Thursday when Jordan called and said he was coming to visit me at my job. Jordan was the face of a group of people I call my ‘Toxic friends.’. Toxic like the smell of a gas station at night, thick and warm but insanely hazardous. Now imagine that smell personified by in group of people. I met my toxic friends my first year living on campus. It was a pivotal year in my life and the hell we made in that old paper mill turned student residency crafted me into the well adjusted maniac I am now. That Thursday when Jordan called telling me he and Peter Marshall, a friend of ours who recently decided to move back to Chicago after spending the past year and a half back at his parents’ home in Texas were coming to visit me at work. They had come 40 minutes before closing. There wasn’t many people still at the pier that late and thank God for that because when they saw me from half way down the hall from my store they began waving a massive glass dildo around. Massive is no understatement when it comes to the description of that monster. It was a foot and a half long and the tip was about 5 inches around. They saw me and these two shit eating grins spread across their faces as they charge me. I look back to my coworkers who were folding clothes and talking amongst themselves, oblivious to the charge. I didn’t run or make too much noise when Peter, who his around 6 foot 3 and has giant hands with fingers the size of polishes and Jordan who was around my height but literally had about 100 pounds of that solid flab that city dwellers get when they mix their awful diet with an active night life. They held me and threatened me with the dildo, I didn’t think it was that funny but I made sure to smile so when my supervisor saw the scuffle she wouldn’t think there was any real danger. After I calm them down we begin to talk and what I thought would be a short catch up session actually turned into a persuasive speech to get me to come along with them to a music festival called Wakarusa in the mountains of Arkansas. They asked me how much I made working in the store and I told them it averaged to about $600 a month. They laughed and said they had just come from a festival where they had both made out with $1200 each. double what I made in a month in 3 days. They were on a tour of sorts, hitting every summer festival in the United States hearing incredible bands and seeing amazing people all while making a pretty sizable amount of money. Now I knew Jordan and I knew the racket, Jordan was a purveyor of narcotics and a pretty successful one. There was a point in time where if you were buying weed in the loop, there was a good chance it passed through his hands first. But what they did at these festivals was pure business genius. On the first day they would sell fake LSD, usually drops of Visine for ten dollars a hit. With that money they’d buy real drugs and large quantities, set up shop and very literally watch as the money comes in. A risky business and while the prospect of being locked up in a Arkansas jail house wasn’t alluring all that money sure was, not to mention possibility of falling madly in (drug induced) love with a hippie girl. Fast forward to 24 hours later and we are in a van with 4 other friends entering Arkansas state lines . The next three days are worth a book or at least a dirty limerick of their own.There was Porto potties stuffed with dynamite, a beautiful waterfall where hippies would have nightly orgies, an opium den in a cave on a mountain, music thumping long into the night from the forest, and 3 girls from Tuscaloosa whose names I might never remember. While on the second day I realized that Jordans idea was little more than a cutco knife pyramid scheme It didn’t really matter, because it was literally the best 3 days of my life.
On the day I left Jordan was walking back from the waterfall that the hippies showered in. He told me the next stop on his tour was Tennessee for Bonnarro I told him I’d booked a cab to the closet town with a grey hound station and that I had to go back to Chicago to see if I still had my job, he put his hand on my shoulder, and asked me If I had a good time. I told him I had the best time and he said good and taped me on the dick, harder than usual. I called him a bastard and watched him walk off. When I got home it was early in the morning. My mom was at work, my dad was asleep. My Grandmother lived with us. I followed her breathing tube back to her room, the machine sound like a robot snoring, I hated that machine for many reasons, it kept her confined to the first floor, she couldn’t even move to the basement to do her own laundry because the tube was too short. The dog would lay on it, and if it wasn’t funny it would be very scary. I walk in to her room and the tv is still on, I inched around to turn it off when she wakes up. She looks at me, not scared but happy. She asks me where the party was. I tell her that she’s looking at it. She looks confused and asks me again. I mentioned earlier that my Grams had stopped living long before she passed away. That’s because in those last weeks she wasn’t the grams I’d known, she was a just body and flaring words, she was suffering dementia. That day my mom told me that since I was gone Grams had taken a turn for the worse. Her health was rapidly decreasing. The weeks that followed were awful. Sometimes she would forget our names, my mom and dad had to change her, help her go to the bathroom. We’d all have to keep watch, sleeping in the guest room next to her bedroom. She’d scream in the middle of the night, and whoever was on duty would have to sit with her. One night things were particularly awful and she tried to escape her bed, I told her she was too weak to walk and that if she fell it would all be over, she told me she didn’t care. The last time I saw her I confessed I had l my job. The owner had played back the surveillance camera footage of the dildo incident and had fired me. I told her that for the last two weeks I was lying to my parents, telling them I was going to work when I was actually going to bars and seeing movies. She told me that I should slow down drinking, I told her I would try. She told me to stop licking her hand, and it wasn’t until several hours later I realized she had confused me with the dog.
Gram’s funeral wasn’t what I wanted it to be. It was at the church attached to my grammar school. The priest wasn’t dynamic and when he misprinted her name ‘Stella’ as ‘Steller’ I considered jumping over the pew and hitting him in the face. I thought about how it would embarrass my mom and dad but still make them proud. I was very close to doing it. Grams was vain in the way that women used to be before beauty became a face book profile picture, she would of wanted a better casket, a better priest and a bigger church. I didn’t like how everyone was touching me and asking me if I was ok. I wanted to stop talking about it and I wanted to go home. At the wake they served cake, and my relatives considered having the casket at the wake. My dead grandmother would have been overlooking a room full of mourning cake eaters. I didn’t make it to Jordan’s funeral, but I went to his house the day after he passed and blasted the whole with a fire extinguisher. I wasn’t even that drunk, his girlfriend told me it was mourning, I’m not sure what it was.