Friday, January 8, 2010

For Eli

Were you designed for this, or have you adapted to the foggy
Mornings when we wake up on floors or rooftops.
You drink goats milk with paintings of women with
perfect proportions and purple skin.
You refuse to be out done or done in.
Were you designed for this life, or did the company of
scoundrels help you adapt.
This life we fill with chemicals and voodoo and trumpets and girls
The night we swam with Lucy and chased rabbits and got trapped in bathrooms and cried because the mannequin had no toes.
Were you designed for this, or have you adapted to the knowledge that no one can hurt you as bad as you can hurt yourself.



  1. too short, but i like man, i LOVE the post above it as well. Adam, you truly are an amazing writer, keep it up I wish I could do what you do

  2. the flow of this, and the way you use analogies is awesome, i am rereading this sober and I like how this can appeal to any audience

  3. the more i read this the more i like it
